Massage therapy is geared toward athletes of every kind. Focusing on areas of the body that are overused and stressed from repetitive often aggressive movements.
30 min./ 50min. – 29 lv./ 49 lv.
In the manipulation of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue using various techniques, to enhance function, aid in the healing process.
30min./ 50min. – 28lv./ 48lv.
Massage is one type of therapy that is used to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Cellulite is a type of fat that is close to the surface of the skin.
There are various techniques of massage – by the hands or using various essential oils.
45min. – 39 lv.
Massage for relaxation by stimulating muscles with smooth movements.
30min./ 50min. – 55lv./ 89lv.
GEL MASSAGE (for tired legs)
Getting better the circulation of blood in veins and relaxing the runoff.
30min. – 33lv.